Greenomy legals

Cookie Policy

1. Preamble

At Greenomy, we believe in being clear and open about how we collect and use data related to you. We use cookies to collect and use data as part of our Services, as defined in our Privacy Policy (“Services”). In the spirit of transparency, this Cookie Policy provides detailed information about how and when we use these cookies.

2. Cookies

2.1 What is a Cookie

A cookie is a small text file placed on your computer or device by our Services when you visit certain parts of our Website and/or when you use our Services.

2.2. Why do we use Cookies

In order to make full use of the personalised features of our Services, we ask you to store a certain number of Cookies on your computer, or other device (e.g., tablet or mobile phone). Except for the Cookies that are strictly necessary when using our Services, you can manage your Cookie preferences. Please note that disabling cookies may result in reduced functionality of the Website, loss of personalization, and the need to re-enter login credentials.Our Cookies do not store sensitive information such as your name or address: our cookies simply hold the ‘key’ that, once you are signed in, is associated with this information.

2.3. Which Cookies do we use

a. Strictly necessary Cookies

Cookie name Purpose Cookie provider Expiration Location
cookie_consent_us er_consent_token Random consent id created upon giving consent Greenomy Session Website, Platform
cookie_consent_le vel Verify which level of consent the user agreed to. Greenomy Session Website, Platform
cookie_consent_us er_accepted Verify if user accepted cookies policy Greenomy Session Website, Platform
slim_session Preserves User Login information and states Greenomy 2 days Greenomy Academy
DpSettings Preserves user's Cookie policy preferences Greenomy 12 days Greenomy Academy

b. Functional Cookies

Cookie name Purpose Cookie provider Expiration Location
reduxPersistIndex This cookie is used to store user specific information from their session through the website. Greenomy Persistent Website
persist%3Agreenom y-landing-storage This cookie is used to store user specific information from their session through the Website. Greenomy Persistent Website
persist:greenomy-st orage This cookie is used to store user specific information from their session through the application. Greenomy Persistent Platform
tusSupport This cookie reads if resumable file transfer is supported. TUS (Resumable File Transfer) Persistent Platform
crisp-client/socket This cookie stores the status of the chat. Crisp chat 6 months Platform
crisp-client/session* This cookie collects session identifiers for chat sessions Crisp chat Persistent Website, Platform, Greenomy Academy
Wistia-Video-Progre ss-* This cookie stores if the user has seen embedded content. Wistia Persistent Greenomy Academy
bugsnag-anonymo us-id This cookie is used to detect errors on the website. Greenomy Academy Persistent Greenomy Academy

c. Tracking Cookies

Cookie name Purpose Cookie provider Expiration Location
_ga This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request in a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for the sites analytics reports. Google Analytics 2 years Website
_gid This cookie stores and updates a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track pageviews. Google Analytics 1 day Website
_gcl_au This cookie is used for experimenting with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services Google AdSense 3 months Website
_lfa This cookie stores and tracks audience reach. Leafeeder 2 years Website
wistia* This cookie stores performed actions on the website. Wistia Persistent Greenomy Academy

d. Performance Cookies

Cookie name Purpose Cookie provider Expiration Location
_gat_UA-* This is a pattern type cookie where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. Google Analytics Session Website
_hj* This cookie is set to understand visitor interactions and analytics. Hotjar 2 months to 1 year Website
fs_uid This cookie is used by FullStory for session tracking. FullStory Inc 1 year Website
sliguid This cookie is used to recognise a user to the website. Salesloft Persistent Website
slirequested This cookie is used in live website tracking to help identify and qualify leads. Salesloft Persistent Website
slireg This cookie is used in live website tracking to help identify and qualify leads. Salesloft 1 week Website
ajs_anonymous_id This cookie stores the User’s last visit. Atlassian Jira Servicedesk 1 year Website
mp_*_mixpanel This cookie is used to identify individual users to measure site performance and usage patterns. Mix Panel 3 months Website
ln_or This cookie registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. LinkedIn 1 day Website
loglevel This cookie collects data on User interaction with Greenomy's video-content Greenomy Academy Persistent Greenomy Academy

e. Unclassified Cookies
Unclassified Cookies are Cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual Cookies.

Cookie name Purpose Cookie provider Expiration Location
lw_role_ Pending Leanworld Pending Greenomy Academy

2.4. Cookie Management: disable or delete cookies

To disable or delete cookies from our Website, you can edit in your browser. Bearing in mind that each browser is different, please check the ‘Help’ menu of your browser (or the handset manual of your tablet or mobile phone) to learn how to manage your Cookie preferences. Disabling Cookies may result in reduced functionality of the Website, loss of personalization, and the need to re-enter login credentials.


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